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  • By: Lynda Stephen

Shadow Boxing at the Agency (How to Choose a Good Recruitment Agency)

Do you ever feel that you are dealing with something unreal? Something that makes no sense when you are trying to find a job? No matter how professional both the recruitment staff and you are, you seem to be shadow boxing – she says one thing, and you hear something else. It is as though you’re both speaking a different language and have different ideas. They somehow seem detached from what you perceive to be what is best for you. Depending on what stage you are in your career, finding a job through a recruitment agency is sometimes a challenge.

I’ve had that experience, and no it’s not crazy. There are many reasons for this, and in some cases, it’s not entirely the agency’s fault. You have a feeling that the recruiter is not concerned with your needs or that they would not even like to be concerned. What's missing is the sense that no matter how difficult it may prove to place you, this company will provide a service that you cannot fault, and you just know that they will do all they can to serve your needs. What you want is an agency who can match you with the right company, understand family situations and help to find a prospective employer who is happy to overlook skills shortcomings for a hard worker.

The most important aspect of a business which deals strictly with helping people, is for it to develop a good relationship with candidates. This is a simple fact of life. The employees of an agency, including directors, were all candidates at some point.

Are you looking to be a good recruitment agency? As a candidate, are you seeking to find a company that gives an excellent service?

Here are a few tips to help both parties make sure that candidates won't leave an interview feeling confused or dissatisfied. Although not all recruitment agencies register candidates without having a role suitable for them, if you do get invited for an interview, dialogue is a two-way street. Once an interview has been arranged, you can help each other by:

  1. Allowing the candidate to engage in the process - do not expect credentials to do all the work. The interviewer must get to know the person that they interview. You can only help the candidate to have confidence in you by showing them the best side of the company. You are the window of the business and the best person to demonstrate the company work ethos, by creating a good first impression.

  2. Being sincere - if you interact sincerely without giving the impression you’re in charge, it allows the candidate to open up to you. Interrogation should never be used.

  3. Relaxing - nothing helps communication more than body language. When you relax, this helps the candidate to do so too. When the candidate relaxes, it allows him or her to become more confident, which in turn will mean that there will not be too much babysitting needed. A candidate needs to be confident without bravado, as bravado is merely a cover for nervousness and anxiety.

The communication must continue after that first interview – did the agency call you to give a progress update and did they respond to your enquiries at all?

Some final points for dealing with a recruitment agency:

  • Before you get involved with an agency, look through their LinkedIn recommendations given by other candidates.

  • Whenever you’ve had a good experience with an agency, share the good news on all platforms, including word of mouth. A good company knows the importance of investing in a good relationship with candidates. When an agency has done everything possible to help regardless of success, reward them by recommending the company to others at work and in general.

  • Bear in mind that although you are working with a recruitment agency, they are caught between the client and yourself. Sometimes through no fault of the agency, the client hasn’t dealt with the bureaucracy of a hire and that too can be frustrating for the candidate.

If you wish to get in touch with Sunrock Recruitment, please email us at or get in contact via any of the following social media pages:

Alternatively, you can browse our website at, to browse our jobs or check out our previous blogs.

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