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By: Melanie Johnson

10 Signs you have an Office Crush

Valentine's Day is close to my heart as my husband and I met at the company we worked for 11 years ago. As we approach this day of celebration, I thought I’d put together a short list of things which may show whether you fancy someone in the office:

  1. Every morning you pay attention to your crush coming into the office and notice what they are wearing.

  2. You pay attention every time they leave their desk.

  3. Whenever they go to the kitchen, you find yourself waiting to get a drink just to sneak in a quick chat.

  4. You find a person in the office who keeps you up-to-date and gives you information about whether you or your crush is seeing someone and will help you get to know the person better.

  5. You check out their social media profiles to find out what they do out of the office.

  6. If the person you are attracted to has a support function in the office, something always seems to go wrong that you need them to sort out for you.

  7. You know who they hang out with lunchtimes and where they usually eat.

  8. When you are invited for after work drinks, you want to know whether your crush will be there.

  9. If you hear anything negative about them, you will defend them without hesitation.

  10. You are shy around your crush.

Important tip

If you are slow with making your move, the Christmas party is always a game changer.

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