This may be the most important part of the employment process and there is no magic wand that can be used. Just skill and lots of wisdom. If a company wants to keep staff for long enough to make a difference to the success of the business, then it makes sense to spend time and effort developing good interviewing skills. The question is, what is required to fine-tune interviewing skills that help to make the ‘match made in business heaven’?
Often, what people say they want is different from what they really want, and for varied reasons. Some applicants are aware of this and some are totally unaware as they have not done enough self-searching to know who they are, or to know truly what they want. A lack of self-knowledge, for whatever reason, can be an impediment to a good match, regardless how well qualified they may be. To achieve a satisfactory interview, the following things must be accounted for:
Interviewing skill
The interviewer is required to apply a very skilful interviewing process to establish if the applicant will stay or leave soon after commencing work. It is not a mere mechanical matching of skills and employment history, to a job description. A casual, relaxed conversation often reveals more to both parties than a list of questions and answers. There are no guarantees, even when the interview has been thorough, but there are some things to consider that can help to make good decisions – interviewers must refine the skill that gets people talking about themselves to start with.
Choose a location with a relaxed atmosphere with no distractions, particularly with no call interruptions. It is rude and insulting to the other person if the interview is peppered with telephone interruptions.
To get the best out of candidates, interviewers will need to use certain skills.
Make sure the applicant feels comfortable that you are focused completely on the interview. Nothing gets people talking about themselves more than knowing they have your complete attention. Also, disarming general enquiries solicit a positive response, especially if you are perceived to be sincerely interested in the answers.
It is very easy to let your mind drift when you are doing many interviews. Depending on the level of the position advertised, try to schedule interviews with substantial breaks, that allow you to refresh and be alert. Part of good listening skills is to be able to pick up the nuanced, unspoken message.
Social Interests
Establish what these are to get to know the applicant’s ideas and how they interact with other people. There is no enthusiast who will not take an opportunity to talk about their hobbies! You will learn more of what they really want this way, even if they don’t know it yet.
Encourage the applicant to express opinions freely when they feel the need to, without them feeling intimidated in any way. Opinions are informed by our experience and shaped by our thought process. An authentic opinion can tell us more about an expectation and helps to give the listener an idea of what an applicant really wants.
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